Tagged as: ErnestMarwickCollection
Auction Mart “Wet since the big gale in September (EM23)
1966-1967 Interviews with farmers at Kirkwall Auction Market regarding the bad winter.
Auction Mart “Wet weather since harvest” (EM21)
Auction Mart "Wet weather since Harvest". Interviews with farmers at Kirkwall Auction Market regarding the bad winter.
MV Sigurd Captains Giving Orders (EM16)
This recording was made on the bridge and you can hear the Captain's orders c1960-1975.
Henrietta Groundwater Smallpox Treatment (EM10)
Henrietta Groundwater describing nineteenth century cure for smallpox. Recorded c 1960-1975.
MV Sigurd Arriving Rousay And Sounding Bell (EM15)
This is the sound of her arriving at Rousay pier and includes the ships bell c1960-1975.
MV Sigurd Captain And Wind And Sea (EM17)
This recording was made on the bridge and you can hear the Captain's orders c1960-1975.