Category: Agriculture
Sheep, Lambs And Bairns (ES1)
Sound of bairns with lambs, Newark, Deerness 1984.
Auction Mart “Wet since the big gale in September (EM23)
1966-1967 Interviews with farmers at Kirkwall Auction Market regarding the bad winter.
Auction Mart “Wet weather since harvest” (EM21)
Auction Mart "Wet weather since Harvest". Interviews with farmers at Kirkwall Auction Market regarding the bad winter.
Wooden Gate Closing (AM8)
A squeaking gate latching closed indicates someone is at the door.
Calf Calling (PU4)
We used to rear a calves over the years. They were playful and I remember giving them all names!
MV Sigurd Cow Hollering In Hold (EM14)
Animals were winched on and off the deck using a steam crane. This sound was recorded c1960-1975.